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What happened to InnQuirer?

Following COVID in 2020 and the demise of the Ulverston Beer Festival in 2022 (at least in the usual format) things have become more difficult for all our pubs, clubs and printers so the downside of this was that with increasing printing costs and the problem of making sure that the advertising revenue was at least enough to cover the printing costs, we had to suspend production.

Now, sad as this was, it doesn't mean that InnQuirer has gone forever. It was always popular in the pubs where we placed it, both with locals and visitors, so we haven't abandoned it.
The problem is that we have to at least cover the cost of printing and that means we have to have advertising. The difficult balance is pricing the advertising space in such a way as it is not too expensive for the advertisers but on the other hand, covers our costs. For the record, the only actual cost is the physical printing, everything else is done by the local CAMRA branch volunteers at no cost (as is everything in the Branch). If we didn't do this, there would never be a cost-effective way to produce a magazine!

Future plans for InnQuirer

Now, this may not work but we are still trying to work out a way of balancing the books, although we haven't yet come-up with a complete solution.
However, in the meantime, we thought that it would be a good idea to create a Newsletter, published, (probably irregularly at first), on this site. We could just email a newsletter but it would be a bit basic and doing this online would allow a lot more versatility, in particular adding photos and articles that may be of interest to readers.

The first of these Newsletters has been uploaded (1st December) so see what you think. Nothing complex but some useful information that may have passed you by.